Publication date Jun 20, 2021

Show me Your glory

Publication date Jun 20, 2021

Moses made a bold request to God: “‘Please, show me Your glory.’” (Exodus 33:18, NKJV) This 80-year-old man risked it all to obey God. He faced an entire nation led by a powerful pharaoh. Moses braved a violent army that chased him to the Red Sea. He was an incredible leader, but he knew he could not go further without a personal, face-to-face encounter with God.

friend, have you ever felt this way? You’ve done your best with God and for God, but you’ve hit a wall. Moses told God, “‘If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.’” (Exodus 33:15, NKJV) I understand his desperation. I have been in a very tight spot. I, too, have said, “Okay, God, I’m not sure how to lead our ministry through this COVID-19 pandemic.” I, too, stayed on a mountain, asking God to speak to my mind. 

Are you suffering from the confusion and trials of this day and age? We want you to grow through this time. We want you to hear from God and know that He will help you overcome these trials.

I’ve spoken to so many people who have been crushed by the virus, riots, and government decisions. However, others are prospering during this time. So I’m asking God to help you break out of these trials with a new vision and authority. I’m praying that you will become like David when Goliath was terrorizing the Israelites: “‘Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.’” (1 Samuel 17:36, NIV) You, too, can be a victor over your circumstances because you’re a miracle. 

Paul Marc Goulet