Publication date Jun 14, 2023

Slam This Door!

Publication date Jun 14, 2023

"Déborah, are you willing to work on your commission for four years without getting people's applause?" I was puzzled by this question from my producer, who I had only just met. At that time I was the talk of the town as: "The singing flight attendant!"

He was right, because this short-term success passed quickly and had nothing to do with what I actually had on my mind. Let's face it, friend, most people just found the story exciting: "Wow, there's a flight attendant who sings on the plane." 

You may know this verse: "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7 NIV) 

No one knew that I had written in my diary at the age of eleven that I wanted to sing to give people hope. It seemed enough for people to see a good-humored flight attendant in uniform. I could have stopped there and signed the record deal and worked with people who only saw what was there to see, a good-humored singer who is well received.

Instead, I decided to trust the One who could see into my heart, because ultimately HE had put this desire in my heart to sing to people for more than good humor. I wanted to sing hope into hearts with a clear message!

Even if it was not clear at the moment whether or not a new door would open for me, I wanted to please God...and so I trusted.

Sometimes you have to close a visible door to discover the hidden one. 

friend, have you possibly left the visible door open, fearing that the hidden door will never show itself and open? Sometimes it is hard until you discover the new direction, but then you quickly realize the true blessing behind it! I was allowed to experience what lay beyond that hidden door, and to pass on hope through my music today.

I encourage you to slam the visible door today and ask God to open the right door for you!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!