Smaller steps trigger big things
Imagine if Joseph, unjustly locked in Pharaoh's prison, had sulked. Imagine if he'd said, "I've had enough! I thought God had given me a special gift and had great things in store for me, but I don't believe it anymore!"
If that were his attitude, how would he have reacted to Pharaoh's two officials, who had also ended up in prison, when they had dreams that same night? He could have said, "I don't care what you dreamed. It's no longer worth it to me to interpret your dreams anyway."
friend, one thing I know from my own experience: small steps trigger big steps!
If Joseph had sulked that night and not interpreted the dreams, he wouldn't have been promoted to second-in-command by Pharaoh! We have perhaps overlooked this small yet incredibly important fact when we hear Joseph's story.
In fact, it was only because he interpreted the dreams of these two "insignificant men" that one of them remembered him two years later (oh yes, you read correctly!) when Pharaoh had a dream and was desperate for someone to interpret it. (see Genesis 41:1-13)
God had made it clear to Joseph that a famine was coming upon the land, and Pharoah realized that a wise man was needed to coordinate everything that had to be done. So Pharaoh said to his officials, "'I don’t think we can find anyone better than Joseph to take this job! God’s Spirit is in him, making him very wise!'" (Genesis 41:38, ERV). Joseph accomplished amazing things with the authority Pharaoh gave him as second-in-command: "So Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.'" (see Genesis 41:41, NIV)
friend, do you understand what happened here? God tested Joseph. In the Gospel of Luke, it says, "'Whoever can be trusted with small things can also be trusted with big things…'" (Luke 16:10, ERV). Joseph didn't feel it was "too small" a matter to advise the two officers in prison. He continued to use his gift, even while imprisoned.
friend, take that next step, however small, toward your big dream. Because who knows? It could be the trigger for the next, much bigger step!
You're a miracle!