Publication date Jan 18, 2023

Start where you are right now

Publication date Jan 18, 2023

friend, are you living your dream, or did you give up on it long ago?

When Joseph told his brothers about the dream he had, it first caused great anger and jealousy! The Bible even tells us that "...they hated him all the more because of his dream and what he had said." (Genesis 37:8, NIV) 

At this point, Joseph was only seventeen years old, and things definitely weren't looking good for his dream. Yet he persisted by adding faith to his dream! Then, when he was sold as a slave and eventually ended up in Egypt, Pharaoh asked him one day to interpret several troubling dreams he'd had (see Genesis 41:1-40). Joseph was able to interpret them, but wouldn't he have been better off remaining silent? In the past, his dream interpretation had almost cost him his life!

Connect your dream with your faith, and you'll be amazed again and again, friend. Joseph did exactly that from the start, and he kept on doing it. Even though it looked like everything had gone wrong from the very beginning, that seventeen-year-old boy became a man God used to save the lives of many people. The interpretation of Pharaoh's dreams was necessary for the survival of an entire country! (see Genesis 45:6-10

What would've happened if Joseph had remained silent? If he had given up on his dream? It all began where he was, in insignificance. There, where no one believed him, he still chose to believe in his dream and all that God could do!

The same is true for you. It starts where you are right now, friend. Your circumstances will not be able to slow you down, but your unbelief can…if you choose to allow it.

May I pray for you today, that you'd be able to overcome unbelief and live your dream anew? "Jesus, thank You that today, here and now, something is beginning that no one can stop! Thank You for touching and empowering friend in this moment. Breathe new life and faith into friend's life for the dream You have placed in his/her heart! In Your name, amen."

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!