Starting a new year off new
The new year is only a few days away, and I am so excited about what God is going to do in and through you in 2022! Before we move ahead, let’s take a moment to look back.
I have some old names in my heart that I have carried for far too long: failure, liar, fraud, and broken. Some of these names I assigned to myself because of sinful decisions, wrong motives, and choosing myself over God. Some of these names were spoken over me by other people. Whether the names were true or not, I allowed them to become part of me. I embraced them instead of listening to what God had to say about me.
Take a moment and answer this question: is there an old name attached to you that causes deep pain and hurt? The name could be attached to a childhood memory, an embarrassing moment, or an unkind word from a loved one.
Would you take a second to write the name down? Be courageous. Acknowledging the pain of that old label is the first step in letting it go. Releasing the pain to God is an important part of healing. He wants to take that old pain and lift the burden from your heart.
friend, now take a few moments and forgive anyone involved in the speaking of that name—even if that person is you. Just say it out loud: “I choose to forgive. As Jesus forgave me, I am choosing to forgive myself, my parent(s), my friend, or whoever spoke that name over me, and I release all of those people right now into God’s hands.”
As you have courageously laid down that old name, it is time to begin the journey of receiving a new name.
The Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)
friend, you have been made new! God does not see you with all the brokenness of your old life. No, He sees you as clean, whole, and restored! You have a new life. You are a new person. You have a new future. Your old life has been wiped away, and God is doing a new work inside of you right now.
Jesus said, “...‘Behold, I make ALL things new.’” (Revelation 21:5, NKJV, capitalization added) Those words were written for you, and they promise a miracle for you!
Words are so powerful. So I invite you to say these words out loud, right now, because they are TRUE: “I am a new creation. Jesus has called me His new creation. I am not what people say about me. I am not what I say about me. I am who Jesus says I am. His new name for me is ‘New Creation’!”
You are a miraculous new creation!