Publication date Oct 27, 2021

The answer is love

Publication date Oct 27, 2021

I’m having a blast studying for my doctorate. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s a ton of work, but it’s helped me grow through the pandemic and the countless trials we’ve all faced this year. 

I learned a valuable lesson many years ago that I’ve applied to this present trial: “when you’re going through hell, don’t stop.” In fact, the Bible echoes this life philosophy: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18, NIV)  

friend, I want to encourage you to use the pain of your trials to change for the good. Go back to school, apply for a grant, forgive, love, and reach out to others. The Bible is clear about a life philosophy based on a few principles. Let’s use James 2:8 to list a few key steps: “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself,’ you do well.” (NKJV)  

  1. We need to want to fulfill the royal law. Wow, that is so powerful. 
  2. The royal law is found in the Bible.
  3. The royal law specifically says, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 
  4. If you fulfill the royal law, you will do well in life. 

friend, this verse is blowing my mind. I know we may not be able to change some of the craziness in our world right now, but I also know what needs to be done. Love others as you love yourself. Yikes! This could prove to be a challenge for many people I know because they don’t love themselves. So let’s make sure we get this right. Let’s get emotionally healthy and then SPREAD THE LOVE. 

I know that God will help you because you are a miracle. And I love you more than pineapples.

Paul Marc Goulet