Publication date Aug 25, 2021

The invisible One

Publication date Aug 25, 2021

Have you ever wanted to be invisible? I can think of so many different situations where invisibility would be kind of cool. Have you ever said or done something stupid and wished that you could become invisible? Have you ever wanted to listen to a conversation taking place in another room? I have.

There are a few situations when invisibility seems to hurt. Have you ever gone unnoticed or neglected? Have your accomplishments or contributions been missed? Did your company promote a candidate who seemed unworthy compared to you?

Invisibility can be a two-edged sword—it cuts both ways. I was reading the Bible a few days ago and stumbled on this amazing verse that made me feel a lot better: “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17, NKJV, emphasis added) 

I am convinced of this one fact: God loves you and sees you. Whether you are the proverbial wallflower or the life of the party, the star quarterback or the clumsy freshman nerd, you are visible to God. God, too, feels rejection and what it’s like to be invisible. Maybe you’ve attained the greatest public praise or been ignored your whole life, but God most certainly loves you and sees you. God is invisible, and yet we see His imprint everywhere. We feel His love and compassion every day.

When people cry out, “Where is God in all this mess?”, we believers can honestly say, “My God is here. I don’t see Him, but I feel His presence. I don’t understand all His ways, but I trust Him. I haven’t heard His audible voice, but I do hear His gentle whisper in prayer.”

friend, God is invisible, yet He is not. You may feel invisible, but you are not. The Bible says, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalms 139:16, NIV) God sees your good works when no one else does. Don’t give up! Your labor is not in vain because you are a miracle.

Paul Marc Goulet