Publication date Jul 7, 2024

The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory

Publication date Jul 7, 2024

This is our last day exploring the Lord’s Prayer. I hope you have found this study of this amazing prayer enriching to your walk with Jesus. It’s so amazing that while here on earth, Jesus modeled for us all the things He already knew we would have questions about. How gracious is God that He provides that guidance!

Many of us learned a version of the Lord’s Prayer that includes the closing, “For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen.” It may surprise us that this amazing ending is not actually in the original prayer of Jesus. In fact, this phrase seems to have been added later on by translators who see the sentiment in the text, but not the actual words. No matter what version of the Lord’s Prayer you know, what we can agree on is that the Kingdom of God does belong to Jesus and that all of the power and glory SHOULD go to HIM! To me, it’s a beautiful conclusion or Amen to all that Jesus has taught us to pray.

Every Sunday, I have the privilege to pastor and teach at our church. Let me ask you a question,friend: What would you think of me if I was preaching and then suddenly stopped and walked away? There was no close, no prayer, no commissioning to apply the truths that I spent the last forty-five minutes teaching. I would never be in a conversation with another person, and then just wandered away. 

Just as it's good to begin a prayer conversation with God by addressing Him, it's good to close it, to end on a note of prayer and praise. Very often, you will hear this with a loud “Amen!”

This little word “amen” is more than just a way of saying “the end." It is a ringing affirmation of the Spirit. It is us agreeing with the Spirit and saying, "Yes! So be it! This is just the way we want it. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever! Amen.

We affirm our prayers, because as the Lord’s prayer has taught us, we are God’s, and when in relationship with Him, we have what we need.

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5-6

So here's the challenge for you: Pray the prayer Jesus taught us to pray at least once each day this week. Don't rush through it. Fill each phrase with your own thoughts, your own deep desires, and the own honest rumblings of your spirit. 

Make this week an adventure in prayer. Let me finish us off in prayer: Jesus, thank You for friend. This week, I pray that as friend takes the time to remember Your prayer, its components, each word would bring new life to them. Thank You for the gift You shared with us two thousand years ago, when You taught Your disciples how to pray. Thank You for extending that knowledge and grace today to Your child, friend, who is known and loved by You. We affirm this together, and together we say amen.

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

Lead Teaching Pastor @ctkbellingham or, just a regular guy passionately following Jesus!