The Power of Your Voice

"Helloooo, I'll just put your package downstairs. Have a wonderful day. Bye, bye!" The cheerful voice of the postwoman whistles through the intercom, and automatically a huge smile spreads across my face.
My joy is not because of the package; it's the incredibly friendly voice of the postwoman that communicates so much joy. It makes me happy every time I hear it! Maybe I should just order more to make me even happier, haha!
But if you think about it, friend It's those very people who keep inspiring us! The ones with that zest for life! We don't even have to see them; their voice alone is enough! For example, this mail deliverer, without knowing it, made me happy today and inspired me to write about it on "A Miracle Every Day!" One voice—your voice—can do so much!
"But I'm a very different kind of person, Déborah,” you may say. “You may find it easy, but I can't speak like that at the drop of a hat." I understand this thought and have felt that way too. Just when I least feel like using my voice, for example, to say a simple hello while shopping, I have to force myself to do it. And you know what, friend? I realize that a grumpy "good day" doesn't work. It only helps when I pull myself together and say it from the heart.
When I greet someone with joy in my heart, the corners of my mouth automatically lift, and so does my mood. I hear my joyful voice say "Good morning," and more often than not, get a friendly response back. That makes me twice as happy. Raise your voice, and your spirits will lift too!
friend, God desires for you to use your voice because He knows how much He can accomplish through it:
"…Encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. Rejoice always." (1 Thessalonians 5:14-16 NIV)
Give your voice a boost of joy today!
You are a miracle!