THIS could make you happy, friend...
Do you know what makes your heart really happy? I've noticed that it makes most of us really happy to be in the right place, just where we're supposed to be!
Recently I've been hearing from several friends, "I want to quit my job. I make good money, but I haven't been happy in years."
Others say, "I really need to change something about my lifestyle. Since the pandemic, I've become really sluggish. Even though I could exercise again, I've become used to doing nothing, and that's not good for me."
And friend, all of that is true. If you're unhappy at work, you're constantly filling your heart with negatives. I'm not saying that everyone who isn't happy at his/her job should quit. There's always the other option of praying for your job and colleagues, and that changes your perspective in a wonderful way. Maybe you are the right person to work in that place, so take time to look for wisdom.
What I'm getting at is this: if you're unhappy where you are, maybe it's because you're not where you should be. Maybe you're hiding behind thoughts like "Oh, you know, it's always been this way…there's nothing I can do about it" because it scares you to step out of your familiar safe haven.
What if God wants to show you that you CAN walk on water…but then you never get out of the boat, friend?
"...'See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord.'" (Colossians 4:17, NIV)
It's my prayer that you can guard your heart in this area as well, friend! So I'd like to ask you a couple of questions today:
Are you in the place God wants you to be?
Is it possible that it's an uncomfortable place and you're filling your heart with negatives…instead of praying about the situation and experiencing amazing things?
I encourage you to think about it. Pray about it, and get out of the boat as He leads you! :-) (see Matthew 14:29)
You are a miracle!