This is a time waster!

friend, let's be honest, what has hurt you so much in your life that you've come to a standstill?
Think about it. Sometimes it's not even the big things. Sometimes it's the small, inconspicuous things that slow us down in our daily lives, even in our entire life.
When a wave of criticism suddenly hit me, and I had to read things on social media like, "What you're doing is not needed anymore. Maybe it's time to stop..." it hurt. Naturally.
I was tempted for a brief moment to respond and write, "Do you even know how many people are helped by this? How many people who had turned away from faith now have a relationship with Jesus again?" And not least of all: "Do you know how much work goes into this?"
But I let it go. friend, sometimes we forget one thing: we waste so much TIME fighting, while God has already given us the victory!
friend, you don't have to defend what God has clearly put on your heart. The important thing is this: check if what you're doing is what God wanted from you and for you.
If yes, you can let go and move forward in trust. You don't have to believe everything you read, because it will only rob you of your precious time! Especially when you start defending yourself.
Next time you're attacked, why not react like young David, who was laughed at when he wanted to face the great Goliath? He cried out:
"Goliath, you come against me with sword, spear, and javelin. But I come against you in the name of the Lord... He Himself will fight this battle!" (from 1 Samuel 17:45-47 NIV)
And if you realize today that you're under attack because you've actually taken the wrong path, then pray this verse today:
"Lord, show me the right path and point it out to me, for I trust You. Lead me by Your truth and teach me, for You are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You." (Psalm 25:4-5 NIV) Amen.
You are a miracle!