This Won’t Harm You!

Are you aware of the authority you have, friend? The authority you have in Jesus? It’s a topic we rarely talk about, but it’s the truth!
In Luke 10, it says: “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” (Luke 10:19 NLT)
friend, what you’re saying today, “This is completely destroying me,” doesn’t actually have the power to destroy you—unless you allow it to! And be careful: by saying this––you’re giving it more weight! More weight than the truth that NOTHING can harm you!
So, let’s pray together today and refocus on the truth:
Prayer:“Father, today I ask You to make me aware of Your divine authority.Yes, give me awareness of this authority that rests on my shoulders like a cloak, enveloping me in Your divine strength and making me strong in You. So that when people look at me, they first see Your authority and not my own insecurity.I ask You today for this heavenly protection and strength!For an authority that keeps me from being manipulated by people.An authority that protects me from those who try to play games with me.An authority that shows others that they can’t just do whatever they want with me—because only You have that permission! And You mean well with me.Oh, how blessed I am to know You and to consciously wrap myself today in this mantle of authority and heavenly protection!With Your protection in my life, I will walk on safe paths!Thank You for You, Father! Thank You for being in my life! Amen.”
You are a miracle!