Time for a heart check
The other day when I was out for a walk, a tiny stone somehow found its way into my shoe. The stone was so small it was hardly visible, and yet, it irritated my heel with every step. This little pebble definitely made it uncomfortable to walk any further!
friend, if you feel like you're suddenly doubting the hope you once had, then it could be that something has taken up residence in your life—something tiny that's causing great irritation!
It's not something any of us like hearing, but that small thing could be that "little sin" that you let into your life, a sin that's taken away the carefree connection you had to hope—to Jesus. When this happens, your focus shifts to that little stone in your life, making it hard for you to go forward and keep hoping.
You alone know what your small irritation is, friend. But if this scenario describes you, I want to encourage you today with all my heart—don't run away from God with it. Run to Him with it!
Let's each do a heart check today. What happens when you go to the doctor for a heart check? You may be asked about your lifestyle routines—what are the habits in your life that could affect your condition? If the doctor sees an issue, he/she then informs you about the changes you need to make in your day-to-day routine to make sure you have a healthy heart.
friend, can I ask you today…what would God say about your lifestyle? Would He ask you to adjust something? Would you tell Him which little stone has gotten in your way and admit that this "little thing" is why your relationship with Him, your wonderful hope through Him, has been affected?
Let's return to Him together through this prayer. I believe it will revive your hope and that great things will come of it! "Jesus, please don't let me stray from the truth because a small sin has loomed large in my life. I repent of this little stone today. I want to return to the hope I find in You! In Your name, amen."
friend, God has forgiven you because His Word promises, "But God is faithful and fair. If we confess our sins, He will forgive our sins. He will forgive every wrong thing we have done. He will make us pure." (1 John 1:9, NIRV)
Hallelujah for new hope and a new start today!
You are a miracle!