Two everyday tips for you, friend!
Today, I'd like to share with you two tips that could completely change your everyday life!
Tip #1: Constantly remind yourself of the presence of God.
Early in the morning, I have worship music playing in my bathroom as I get ready for the day. I also play it on the way to performances, and I turn it on when I'm desperate and troubled—even more so then! Almost every morning, I hear a worship song in French, and some of the lyrics are "The Holy Spirit is in this place."
Yes, the Holy Spirit is always with you, friend. He is here now! He is with you at work, at the grocery store, and wherever you are. You just need to be aware of Him.
The lyrics continue, "Healing can happen in this place. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is here."
I remind myself that I don't have to wait until Sunday to experience the miracle I need right now. It can happen today, right here. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is in this place! (see Colossians 1:17 and Jeremiah 23:24)
Tip #2: Live from the joy of His presence and power!
If you implement the first tip, friend, you will live very differently because you'll always be aware of the presence of God. Recently, I was at the train station in beautiful Lucerne, Switzerland. A janitor cleaning the bathroom said to me in passing that it was her birthday that day. Immediately I started singing to her, right there in the train station. Why? Because I was full of this awareness of God's presence. I just knew that the Holy Spirit was there! What a happy moment…for me, too! And even when I don't know what's going on in others' lives at any particular moment, I know that God is moving, both in their lives and in mine. The Holy Spirit continues to work where He wills! What an amazing God. :-)
friend, "'...the Lord is with you…'" (Luke 1:28, NKJV)! Go and live the joyful, abundant life He has for you! :-)
You are a miracle!