We probably all catch ourselves doing this…
"I'm sure that the new church around the corner wasn't God's plan. What they're doing isn't right!"
Someone said this very thing to me recently. He approached me because he recognized me, and a curious crowd had gathered around us. I can deal with such moments, but what about the people around me? Would they repeat this man's opinion of "that" church, thus destroying what should actually bring life? That would be a win for the devil.
friend, let's not fool ourselves—there's something to complain about in practically every church, just like there's something to complain about in every workplace and organization. But here we're talking about the house of God, the place where God wants to be praised. Have we forgotten that God wants to be praised?
The very last Psalm in the Bible begins with "Praise God in His sanctuary" (Psalm 150:1, NKJV)! It doesn't say to praise God in the perfect church where they believe such and such. The Psalm ends with "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD…" (Psalm 150:6, NKJV)! Everything that has breath...that means you, and it means me! It's true in church, but it's also true when you're shopping at the grocery store.
So what can you do, friend? Love. A pastor once told me, "Déborah, no matter how bad the sermon, if you really want to, you'll always be able to pull out at least one positive point for your life." That's a win for Jesus.
friend, why don't you choose love? Choose to consciously talk about the positives of your church. It would change everything, including you! (Knockout punch for the devil! :-))
Or in Paul's words, "Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose." (Philippians 2:2, NLT)
Let's praise God like this today!
You are a miracle!