What are you inhaling, friend?
“Do you have an inhaler?” the pharmacist asked me after I told her about my cold.
I had to laugh because in the back of my mind, I heard my mom, who always tells me, “You have to inhale more often.” Sure, I have one of those devices. But honestly, I don’t use it that often...laziness usually wins out, haha.
If I were to ask you, friend, “do you have a Bible?”, or better yet, “Do you have access to Jesus?”, you would hopefully respond with “Yes!” But are you taking advantage of these opportunities?
Long ago, Jesus spoke about this difference: “‘You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.’” (John 5:39-40, NKJV)
Are you spending time with Jesus to experience the peace He wants to give you—especially in this day and age? I hope you don’t answer this question by saying, “Usually laziness wins out…”
Jesus chose us long ago, and only when we choose Him will we see what He sees and experience the peace that He alone gives!
“Inhale truth—exhale life!” was the theme of a conference I attended in England a few years ago: “Inhale truth—and you exhale life!” In other words, what you let in—what you breathe in—will come out of your life.
Do you want to breathe in and breathe out the wonderful truth, power, and miraculous possibilities of God to others? You can! And you will! Because God wants to bring hope into this world THROUGH YOU. Today more than ever.
But you must decide to use this access to Jesus, to pray, to read the Bible. Just like it’s not enough to know that you own an inhaler…you need to use it! You need to use the access you have to Jesus, your powerful Savior!
And do you know what “inhaling” means? “To breathe a substance into your lungs.” For example, we may inhale the steam of hot water in order to cure a disease of the respiratory tract.
What do you think will happen when, more than inhaling steam, you inhale God’s powerful truth?
It will change your life, friend!
You’re a miracle!