Publication date Sep 19, 2023

What God sees in you!

Publication date Sep 19, 2023

"But I'm not like that, I can't do it." How many times have you said that, friend? 

But what if you are not at all as you see yourself? What if God has put something inside you that you don't see, but that is definitely IN YOU?

Gideon had a very similar experience. He was waiting for a miracle, not realizing that he himself was the miracle!

friend, can it be that sometimes we are waiting for a miracle that we ourselves could bring about? That's why I want to encourage you today: Don't wait any longer for the miracle that could be yourself!

God saw what He had put in Gideon: the strength to fight, the courage to look his enemies in the eye, and the victory. In fact, He had already prepared the victory. All Gideon had to do was get up ... and walk!

God sees what He has put in YOU! You also have the strength to fight, the courage to look your enemies, worries, needs, fears, in the eye. And the victory—the victory that He has already prepared. All you have to do is get up ... and go! See yourself through His eyes, not your own. 

The angel of the Lord greeted Gideon with the words, "When the angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” (Judges 6:12 NIV).  That’s how the angel greeted Gideon BEFORE the battle. 

However, Gideon was in the process of hiding the grain from the Midianites—he was much more concerned at that moment with his fear and not with what God had placed IN HIM. 

friend, with these words I also want to greet you before you start your day: You are strong, stronger than you think, and "The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” (Judges 6:12 NIV).

God sees that strength in you because He sees Himself in you!

You are a miracle!


Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!