What keeps you going?

Hello dear friend and thank you for joining me again on A Miracle Every Day!
What took David out onto the battlefield to face Goliath? What grounded his faith when his kingdom was in jeopardy? What brought him back to God after his own failure?
He had a promise from God that he would be King, and that he was a man after God’s own heart.
What kept Peter close to Jesus, even though his denial could have completely derailed him from the purpose of God for his life?
He had a promise that God could restore and renew.
What allowed Noah to rebuild his family after the devastating effects of the flood?
He had a promise from God it would never happen again.
What kept Moses on track as a leader despite a grumbling nation, continuous obstacles, and giants in the land?
He had a promise from God that the land would belong to his people.
What kept Zechariah faithfully serving in the temple, even though the prophets had gone quiet for over 400 years?
He had a promise from God that the Messiah would come!
What kept Joseph on track to marry Mary, when his long-earned reputation would be tarnished in the predictable scandal?
He had a promise, from an angel, that it was the right thing to do, and that God was bringing about the salvation of the world through his surrender.
What held Mary fast when she was facing a misunderstood pregnancy, public disdain, and hard questions?
She had a promise from God that her Son would be the promised Messiah.
friend, the promises of God sustain us, uphold us, encourage us, push us, strengthen us, heal us, and allow us to continue on this amazing journey of faith!
For the next six days, we are going to focus on the promises of God because the same God who made promises to David, Peter, Noah, Moses, Zechariah, Joseph, and Mary has made promises to you that you can claim, declare, and find rest in.
My wife Laurel and I have been reading, praying through and immersing ourselves in the book of Joshua. Just like Joshua, we believe that God has some new territory for us to claim! In reading the book, we ran across this precious verse of scripture that made my heart jump when I read it:
Joshua 21:45 states, “Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” (Joshua 21:45 NIV)
friend, do you see the completeness? Of all the promises of God, NOT ONE FAILED! EVERY SINGLE ONE was fulfilled!
As you claim new spiritual territory today, know that every promise of God is made available to you by Jesus, the God who not only makes promises but keeps them!
Take a moment and simply ask, “Jesus, what do you want FOR me today?” Jesus has a spiritual inheritance for you and today is the day to claim that promise!
Never forget my friend...