What promise can you claim today?

Hello, my friend! A dear mentor of mine once said, “If you ever want to be amazed, just look back and count the times that God kept His promises.”
In doing that exercise, Laurel and I can both declare unequivocally: The promises of God have sustained us in every moment of our lives, both encouraging and challenging!
Let me share some of those moments:
- In the moment when the doctor told us that Laurel was going to be blind within five years, we had the promise that God would never leave us or forsake us.
- In the devastating months after we lost Laurel's dad, her brother, and her niece to various forms of cancer, we had the promise that one day we would be reunited again in heaven because of God's promise of eternity.
- When we found out on a Tuesday that we were going to be leading a church of thousands on Thursday (and Sunday was Easter) because our senior pastor had had a moral failure, we had the promise that God would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it!
- When we stood and watched our son and our daughter marry the people of their dreams, we had the promise of God that He was going to bless them with hope and a future.
- When we were stranded in Israel in the middle of a war, we had the promise of God that He was our refuge and our strength and ever-present help in times of trouble.
In these moments, and so many more, God stated and kept His promises!
Every evening, when we come together to pray, we ask God for His protection over our children, because we have the promise that the blood of Jesus is powerful and that it will protect our kids no matter where in the world, or in whatever situation they find themselves!
My friend, you have access to exactly the same promises!
Which of these promises can you claim today? Each one of them was perfectly designed for the challenges you are facing today and listen to this:
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23 NIV)
friend, we have the assurance that we can hold on to the God who is holding on to us! And what comes with that confidence is the blessed assurance that the God who made the promises to us will keep them.
Even when we are struggling with faith, He keeps holding on. Listen to this promise as well:
“...if we are faithless, he remains faithful…” (2 Timothy 2:13 NIV)
As you face the challenges of today, hold tight to the One who remains faithful. Know that every promise He has made is available to you today and face the day with courage and boldness!
Never forget my friend...
You are a miracle!