Publication date Jun 3, 2020
When the going gets tough… 😒
Publication date Jun 3, 2020
Today, co-writer Paul Marc Goulet wrote the message of "A Miracle Every Day". I pray his message and audio will bless you today.
I once heard someone say: “I don’t have problems, I have challenges”. There is a big difference. Problems are difficult, but challenges are designed to be overcome. My mentor, Dr. Dobbins, taught me we don’t live with the facts of our lives but with the interpretation of the facts of our lives. Wow! That’s so powerful. I believe you and I can become mentally tough by reinterpreting everything we experience.
Let’s face the fact that life is not fair. Bad things do happen to good people, but God is good. He loves us and wants to help us become “... in all these things ... more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37, NKJV)
friend, have you been facing challenges and trials during this pandemic? I’m so sorry. I can totally relate. The past four years have been very trying for me as well, but I’ve cried out to God, sought help, asked for prayer, fasted and changed my eating habits. I refused to be destroyed by the serious illness that almost killed me.
Did you know that Winston Churchill suffered nine strokes, countless political setbacks and the Nazi initiative? He was so mentally resilient. My mom is 99 years old, paralyzed by a few strokes, and suffers from lapses of mental acuity. She still has the best attitude. She may be a physically frail old lady, but emotionally she’s the Rock.
friend, my prayer for you is that you become tougher than nails by the power of the Holy Spirit, a resilient and strong overcomer. Emotional and spiritual toughness is the heritage of a child of God. You are not an orphan.
Please never forget: you are loved, and you’re a miracle.
Paul Marc Goulet
Thank you, Paul Marc, for sharing this today!