Publication date Jul 25, 2022

When there's nothing left…

Publication date Jul 25, 2022

I was on the highway, speeding up, driving straight towards that wall…

The man I thought I was going to marry had left me for another woman, a younger woman he'd gotten engaged to only a few weeks later. The pain of heartbreak was unbearable. I had given up everything for him that used to be so important to me: singing, touring, friendships, family. "But apparently," I thought to myself, "none of that was good enough in his eyes. I am not good enough…" I found myself alone, unable to work, unable to sleep, sick, depressed for months. 

I had choices to make: I could either blame him—or forgive him. I had to choose whether to blame or forgive myself as well. friend, it's only after I turned to the truth, God's Word, that my eyes were opened to what was really happening. And this is what He promises will happen! "'And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'" (John 8:32, NKJV) 

Yes, God opened my eyes and showed me that I myself had failed so many times, hurting others out of my pain. As the saying goes, "Hurt people hurt people." He opened my eyes to the truth that Jesus Himself had endured unthinkable pain—people had nailed Him to a cross! And Jesus was a human being, feeling the horrifying pain of nails pounded through His hands and feet.

And yet, some of Jesus' very last words were "...'Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing.'…" (Luke 23:34, MSG) 

friend, I absolutely did not want to forgive at first…but I chose to forgive. When you start forgiving, you start living! And I mean it when I say that God has not only set me free but has also given me SO much more than I thought I'd lost!

friend, He wants to do this for you, too! Forgiving means living!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!