When there’s nothing left…

I was on the highway, speeding up, driving straight towards that wall…
The man I was supposed to marry had dumped me for another woman that he got engaged to only a few weeks later. The pain was unbearable.
I had given up on everything that used to be so important to me—for him. Singing, touring, friendships, family….In his eyes none of that was good enough. I wasn’t good enough…
And now I was by myself, day and night, unable to work, unable to sleep. Sick. Depressed for months.
And I had a choice to make. To blame him. Or forgive. To blame myself, or to forgive myself.
It is only after I turned to the truth—the word of God—that God opened my eyes to what was really going on, as He promises in John 8:32: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32 NKJV)
Yes, God opened my eyes and made me see that I myself had failed so many times… realizing that I was not any better than the man who hurt me. Hurt people hurt people.
And God opened my eyes to the truth that Jesus Himself had gone through such pain. People nailed Him to a cross! And He was a human being, feeling the monstrous pain of carrying the sins of the world on Himself!
And still his last words were…: “Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23:34 MSG)
friend, I did not want to forgive at first… but I chose to forgive. When you start forgiving; you start living! And I mean it. God has not only set me free, He has given me so much more than I thought I’d lost!
friend; and this is what He wants to do for you! Forgiving means living!
You are a miracle!