Publication date Sep 24, 2024

When your dream seems broken…

Publication date Sep 24, 2024

What's the first story that comes to mind when you think of Daniel from the Bible, friend? For me, it has always been "Daniel in the lion's den" since I was young. And we marvel: "Wow, what an emergency situation Daniel was in." And we wonder how he could have such strong faith in this life-threatening situation.

Do you know why he didn't lose faith in this drama? He had experienced God too many times to forget His power. Way too many times. We often forget how his story began. Or we just overlook it. Yet, that's precisely what's so exciting!

Daniel grew up in wartime. As a very young man, probably a teenager, he became a prisoner of war in a land he didn't know, with completely different customs and beliefs! He was probably even an orphan.

Well, that's a pretty rough start in life, isn't it? And then he ends up in the lion's den. friend, from my perspective, Daniel would have had every, and I mean every reason to say, "God, you've always disappointed me. Why should I continue to believe? You certainly don't mean well for me. I can't believe that You love me!"

Oh, friend, do you hear your own words here? "Why me all the time? Why does God allow this? Why does He punish me with another disappointment? Where is the God who means well for me?"

friend, all of that could have been Daniel's words too. Rightfully so. But he did something that on one hand incredibly challenges me, but on the other hand, incredibly encourages and motivates me to follow his example:

Daniel chose to give God an opportunity through EVERY FURTHER DISAPPOINTMENT to prove His love and power to Him—and to others!

I love how it's said in Daniel 6: "When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, ‘Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions?’” (Daniel 6:20 NIV

And Daniel answered calmly, "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, Your Majesty. (Daniel 6:22 NIV)

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways…” (Psalm 91:11 NIV

I want such faith, friend! Don't you? How? Turn your current emergency situation—through your faith—into the foundation for the next miracle!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!