Publication date Aug 25, 2020
Whom will you listen to, friend?
Publication date Aug 25, 2020
If God speaks to us on a daily basis, why is it so hard to hear Him?
There’s a hilarious line in an old Jackie Chan movie that illustrates this dilemma perfectly. Jackie is trying to communicate with the character played by Chris Tucker, and he says, “Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” Communication is difficult in any relationship, especially when there is a language barrier.
There are also problems with transmission. The famous cellular company’s commercial says it so well: “Can you hear me now?”
Do you ever have problems hearing from God? Everyone I know expresses this frustration. We want to hear from God, but we can’t hear His voice. We want to obey His every command, but we can’t hear His instructions.
So what’s the solution? I’d like to suggest a few options that help me hear from God:
- Read the Word of God. It’s His instruction manual and love letter. Hebrews 4:12 says, “the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword...” (Hebrews 4:12, NIV).
- Set aside a secret place to meet with Him. My favorite spot is a coffee shop. I order a cappuccino, put on my headphones, read the Bible and write down thoughts that come to my mind.
- Get into the Spirit. Invite Him into your brain, body and spirit. “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” (Revelation 4:1, NIV)
- Focus your mind on “God thoughts”. God generally speaks to our minds through thoughts. This is God’s method of communication. Yes, He can speak in an audible voice, send an angel, enlist a donkey or write on a wall. But He usually speaks to your mind to think creative, healthy and divine thoughts.