Publication date Feb 21, 2022

Why are you anxious, friend?

Publication date Feb 21, 2022

I believe that Jesus has a special word for you today. Here it is…

“Today is a beautiful day. What’s making you upset is what you’re holding back from Me, what you’re not yet entrusting to Me. Think about this: I am still on the throne. I reign over the universe. I am Jesus, the Son of God made flesh for you, friend, and I’m seated at the right hand of God. I am at the center of it all, holding all things together. (see Colossians 1:17, AMP)   

You, my beloved child, are so precious to Me. I make all things work together for your good. (see Romans 8:28

Give Me whatever is making you anxious and afraid. Don’t let your problems overwhelm you; rather, make them the subject of your prayers. Don’t carry them any longer...bring them to Me. (see 1 Peter 5:7)  

Seek Me, friend...I will be found by you. (see Jeremiah 29:13-14) Come, sit at My feet. Put aside your circumstances, your chaos, and your striving...I AM is My name. I am everything you need. I am the peace you long for. I am life in abundance. I am the happiness you’re seeking. (see John 10:10) Come...I am here.” 

If this word touched you and you’d like to respond, I invite you to come away, even right now, and worship Jesus with this beautiful version of “Jesus at the Center.” It just takes a simple shift…let’s realign our focus on Him today. :-) 

Would you like to pray with me? “Jesus, I’m here. I answer Your call. I don’t want to carry these problems and feelings by myself any longer...I give You my fear, failures, striving, and what’s making me anxious and stressed. I give You everything...yes, take it all, Lord. Rescue me, Jesus! Thank You for Your help and Your love. Thank You for being the true center of it all. In Your name, amen.”

Thanks for existing, and you are a miracle!

Eric Célérier