Publication date Dec 11, 2022

Words or deeds?

Publication date Dec 11, 2022

When my seriously ill friend asked for prayer in a WhatsApp group, my response was, "We love you, and love will carry you through this!" I received a response back right away from another person on the chat: "Not our love—'His' love will carry her!"

The situation made me realize something that keeps getting in the way for all of us. Of course, I, too, had meant His love: "...God is love…"! (1 John 4:16, NLT).  But misunderstandings so often arise via social media. Have you, too, experienced something like this with social media? 

friend, we often spend hours each day on our computers or cell phones. We encourage each other via WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram; send hearts and hugs; etc., but what we may not realize is that this isn't necessarily the way Jesus has shown His love!

"Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18, NIV) 

Jesus took the costly and even painful way to come to us! There were already scriptures at that time speaking of His love, yet it was important to Him to show Himself to us personally! To seek us out…

An emoji is quickly sent, but a visit, a genuine hug, taking out the neighbor's trash, or doing the grocery shopping for a sick person? These are the kinds of real and true acts through which our fellow human beings often can tangibly recognize God's love.

True and real love is demonstrated through deeds, not just typing. What an amazing challenge for all of us (me included!).

Today, friend, would you consider where you could turn your words into actions, actions that would leave no room for misunderstanding? If you reach for your cell phone and want to send a heart, first consider whether or not a real visit might be even better! :-)

friend, what you have to give is so valuable. It can truly show others that they're loved…loved by God Himself!

You are a miracle!

Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!