YADAH: To praise; to revere or worship with extended hands
I am so honored to be with you here again.
I have some exciting news. In October, I am going to be a grandfather for the first time AND it’s a baby girl! I am so excited! I can’t wait for the first time that little girl throws up her hands and says, “Grandpa, up!” What a moment that will be!
The Hebrew worship word “Yadah” means to praise, to extend the hands or to throw out of the hands”, an active posture of excitement and enthusiasm for God in praise and worship. Just like my grandbaby will one day reach for me, we can reach for God in the exact same way!
So much happens in our lives that involves putting our hands up. I grew up in Canada watching hockey. When a player scored a goal, their hands went up in celebration, and so did mine. If you have ever seen someone be arrested, what do the police say? Hands up! It’s an act of surrender. Think about school, what did you do when you thought you had the right answer? Hands up. It’s an act of agreement. When we “Yadah” before GOD, we are joining all of creation in that act of worship. Listen to the word of God…
“All your works praise (yadah) you, Lord; Your faithful people extol you.” (Psalm 145:10, NIV)
“May the peoples praise (yadah) you, God; May all the peoples praise (yadah) you.” (Psalm 67:3, NIV)
“In God we make our boast all day long, And we will praise (yadah) your name forever.” (Psalm 44:8, NIV)
friend, we worship with lifted hands because God is worth celebrating. More than a touchdown or a goal. This is God! We worship with lifted hands because God is exhilarating! We worship with lifted hands because when we surrender, we win. We worship with lifted hands because we believe Jesus is the only answer. We worship with lifted hands because we need God to lift us, to hold us, to protect us…and He does!
My friend, I hope and pray that you will reach for Jesus, right now. Don’t allow the attention of others to become an obstacle. Don’t allow your inhibitions to get in the way. Right now, would you take a chance and lift your hands to God in surrender, in celebration, in obedience and in prayer? Whatever you need to lift to God, God is here and He is with you.
Dearest Jesus, help friend to lift holy hands to you. You are worthy to take all of our worship and to lift every burden we are carrying. Give us the courage to lift our hands to you, knowing that You will always reach back!
You are a miracle!