Publication date Feb 10, 2020

You are not an accident, friend

Publication date Feb 10, 2020
I was born thanks to what I call a “divine accident.” My parents were under 20 years old and weren’t expecting a child. I was conceived without being wanted. But what I’m sure of, in retrospect, is that God wanted me. He planned my birth ahead of time and foresaw all the days of my existence. That’s what this marvelous Psalm expresses here: “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (read the Bible, Psalm 139:16, NLT) This passage so beautifully conveys God’s love for us! Your arrival on Earth was planned by the Creator Himself! His designs are perfect. No one can oppose them.  Perhaps, friend, you were neither desired nor welcomed with all the love and warmth a child usually receives. Or perhaps you were rejected, abandoned. If so, you may feel like you’re still not loved or accepted today, in your family or in your life in general. I have a message from the Lord for you today: you are not an accident! You are desired and loved. His flame of love for you will never be quenched.  And this is what He says especially to you who have entrusted your life to Him, who walk in communion with Him...:
  • “You are written in My Book of Life” (read Revelation 3:5, NKJV),
  • “You are the apple of My eye” (read Zechariah 2:8),  
  • “You bear My name, and I created you for My glory” (read Isaiah 43:7),  
  • “You were created in My image” (read Genesis 1:27),
  • “You are the work of My hands” (read Isaiah 29:23).  
I invite you to join me in this prayer inspired by Psalm 139:15-16…“Lord, thank You for creating me from Your heart of love. When You made me in secret, when You skillfully wrought me in the lowest parts of the Earth, You saw everything; nothing was hidden from You. Even before I was formed, You already knew the days fashioned for me! What a gift to be a part of Your divine plan...I praise You with all my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.” friend, you are living proof of His creativity and love. I thank God for creating you!  Have a wonderful day with your Creator!
Eric Célérier