Publication date Nov 30, 2021

You bring the aroma of heaven

Publication date Nov 30, 2021

The darker this crazy world gets, the brighter sincere Christians shine. I must confess that it’s hard to find God in all the pain, sickness, war, political turmoil, and angst, but He’s moving in unbelievable ways. God is moving through people who have attitudes of gratitude. He’s moving through great nurses, doctors, health professionals, counselors, pastors, and countless others who shine in spite of all the challenges. 

The Bible promises that there will always be people who rise above the darkness: “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” (2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV) God wants to lead you in a triumphal entry. He wants to turn you into a champion rather than a chump. He will give you the strength to make it through tough times in such miraculous ways that people will notice. 

Did you notice that you will become like an expensive perfume that will lead people to God? friend, you will carry the fragrance of heaven, not the stink of the world. 

During the lockdowns in our state of Nevada, hundreds of thousands lost their jobs. We are an entertainment city that could no longer receive 300,000 tourists every weekend. In an effort to avoid the virus, companies were closed, jobs were lost, and people were hungry. Through a series of miracles, one of my friends offered us truckloads of fresh food to distribute to churches, other organizations, and individuals. It’s so amazing to see Christians shine for Jesus in desperate times. In just a matter of months, we fed over 300,000 families. God is great and greatly to be praised!

friend, will you shine for Jesus and carry His aroma? I know you can because you are a miracle and God loves people through you.

Paul Marc Goulet