Publication date Sep 22, 2021

You can have more confidence

Publication date Sep 22, 2021

Would you like more confidence in your life? Most people I know would say, “Yes, 100%.” So where does our lack of confidence come from? Why is it so hard to speak in front of others? I was one of those young adults who was terrified of just walking into a crowded room. Can you relate to this common phobia? I tried several things to help me overcome my fears.

I’ll never forget the day my pastor asked me to teach a Sunday school class. I wanted to say no, but he insisted. The first class started with 25 people. I was mortified every week. I didn’t know how to overcome my fear. So, a good friend and I came up with this super plan to prepare: 

  1. Buy donuts before class and eat a few. 
  2. Worship God for thirty minutes in a small closet that had an old piano.

Wasn’t that a silly plan?

One day, I noticed several people were running down the corridor in front of our closet. I stopped someone and asked why they were in such a hurry. The person answered, “We’ve got to hurry so we can get seats in a Sunday school class.” For a moment, I felt angry that I had to teach my class instead of attending this super class. So I asked, “Who’s the teacher?” They said, “It’s Paul Goulet.” I realized, “Hey, wait a minute...I’m Paul Goulet!” 

friend, I had no confidence because I didn’t see myself the way others did. My self-esteem was distorted. Would you like to change your self-esteem to a God-esteem? Paul the Apostle overcame his checkered past and boldly declared, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV) 

Can you ask the Holy Spirit to help you see yourself differently? Because, friend, you are a miracle! 


Paul Marc Goulet