You Can Let Go of Your Current Worry

“Only those who don’t know God worry about such things. Your Father in heaven knows exactly what you need. Seek first the Kingdom of God, and He will provide all the rest.” (Luke 12:30-32 NLT)
friend, can you relate to that?
You read verses like this and in the moment think, “Yes, yes, yes. I should trust God more. I shouldn’t keep worrying about my problems and instead focus on what’s important to God!”
So let the following words, this prayer, become a decision—your decision—to cast today’s worries and problems on Him and refocus on what matters to HIM through you.
“How many times will I keep saying it, Father…While I keep thinking about what I still need, how I will make ends meet, whether I’ll stay healthy, and so on, You remind me that this isn’t godly thinking.It’s understandable that people who don’t know You think this way.But I know You, and that means I can trust You to provide for me, even when there seems to be no way in human terms.Because You are God—and that’s the whole point!And while I’m still searching for solutions, You already have the answers ready!So I won’t let these thoughts distract me any longer; instead, I will focus on how I can show people Your love and care.Because that’s what’s important to You—because people are important to You. And that amazes me every time!Thank You for You, Father! Thank You for being in my life! Amen.”
And now, start this day FREE—free from your worries! Because your loving Father—HE takes them from you!
You are a miracle!