You Don’t Want To Miss This Blessing, friend.
I really wanted to scream!
These first recordings for “A Miracle Every Day” in French, i.e. “Un miracle chaque jour”, just didn’t want to work out…
How many times have I lost my way and had to start all over again, even though French is my second mother tongue! First, there was a bang outside so loud that it could be heard on the recording and I had to start over.
Then when I thought I was done, my mother listened to the recordings and found major mistakes in my pronunciation, so I was allowed to start again. And when everything went smoothly and I was done, I found that a cable had a loose connection and the recordings were therefore broken. From the beginning again...
friend, it felt as if I had lost or wasted the whole day. I wanted to complain, and I might have felt justified. When I shared on Instagram how tiring the day was, someone texted me: "Let someone else take the pictures."
Sure, that would have been an option! However, God had placed this task in my heart. Ever thought about it, friend: If God had wanted someone else to do this job, He would have asked someone else to do it.
I sometimes wonder how often we pass on a blessing because we give up too soon?
God never said it would be easy, but He has promised from the beginning that His strength will be enough!
friend, maybe God has given you a task as well, maybe even a new task that you think you will never have the strength, ability, knowledge, patience or even the time to do. If God had wanted someone else to do this job, He would have asked someone else to do it...
friend, stop doing it in your power! Don't rely on your skill, your knowledge, your patience and don't look at your watch when God tells the time of the world!
Lean back and approach this task with His possibilities! And you know: “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10:27 NIV)
You're a miracle!