Publication date Feb 16, 2024

You should do this first

Publication date Feb 16, 2024

Today, we want to dive a bit deeper into the verses from Proverbs 3:5-7. Are you ready for that? I must say that thoughts around these verses have encouraged me once again to trust God even more, and to consciously include Him in everything! The beautiful thing is, living consciously with Him gives you so much more joy! I want you to experience this too, friend!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight. Don’t be wise in your own eyes. Have respect for the LORD and avoid evil.." (Proverbs 3:5-7 NIRV

Are you ready to think deeply for a moment, friend? We have heard these verses many times now. You have surely used them for your own encouragement too.

We particularly like to use them when we don't know what to do or when things have gone wrong, and we want to remind ourselves that God surely has a way for us that we cannot see yet.

But actually…we should carry these verses in our hearts before taking another step, before undertaking anything, or making a decision. Therefore, I want to break down phrases:

"Do not depend on your own understanding..."

This means that sometimes we judge a person whom we don't really know based on their behavior, which we might see on social media, for example. Is that really good when God wishes for us to love our neighbor? (see Matthew 22:39 NIV) Why not love before we judge someone by our perception?

"In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.."

This means, for example, you're on your way to work, and just the thought of the atmosphere there makes you unhappy. Then think about Him before these thoughts make you depressed. Think about the One who can give you joy from within! The One for whom everything is possible! This way, you don't look away from the problem but now gaze at the problem with a solution!

"Don’t be wise in your own eyes..."

We do this so often! Not only towards others but often also towards God! How? By creating solutions for our problems before we pray. Before we include God. Sometimes, because we know that His way would cost us something...

Do we want to set a goal today, friend? 

I want to live according to God's Word even before problems arise!

You are a miracle!


Deborah Rosenkranz

Singer-songwriter and author, but especially Jesus' biggest fan!