“You started it!”
“I didn’t do that!”“No, you started it!”
Arguing in the house.
Is this something you’re familiar with, friend? Whenever there is a disagreement, we always point at the other person first...he did it, or she’s the guilty one. The more we point, the less we have to think about our own part in the fight.
Pilate did not immediately point the finger at Jesus when He was brought before him early in the morning. The Romans had occupied Israel. The Jews themselves were not allowed to crucify anyone…only the Romans were allowed to do that. So they needed to convince Pilate that Jesus had to be killed. And convincing Pilate wasn’t easy.
- Three times Pilate declared Jesus innocent: in John 18:38, in John 19:4, and in John 19:6.
- Moreover, Pilate’s wife warned him, “...‘Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of Him.’” (Matthew 27:19, NIV)
- Pilate washed his hands in innocence.
Pilate had looked into the eyes of Jesus. When you dare to look at Jesus, you see pure love. Wherever you live, whatever position you hold...Jesus’ love breaks through all condemnation.
friend, Jesus does not condemn you. He declares you innocent. How can that be when you are still making mistakes, thinking negatively, being dishonest every day…? Are you innocent?
Jesus challenges you: “Shall we make an exchange? I’ll take your guilt, then you’ll receive My innocence.” This exchange took place on the cross. He took your guilt from you and carried it on the cross.
friend, I challenge you to thank Jesus a lot today for this wonderful exchange. He has made you free from guilt! Believe in Jesus!
Your life is powerful when you believe that Jesus has redeemed you from every sin and debt.
Questions to ponder:
- What sin or debt immediately comes to your mind that Jesus wants to exchange?
- Do you believe that this exchange actually took place for you?
Remember…you are a miracle!
I am your friend,