You Were Created to be Generous
Have you ever wondered “Why am I here?”
One good answer is that we are here “to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” To glorify God is to mirror His image – to show others what he is like, which is to love, and to give generously, as he does. When we are generous, we show others what God is like – we reflect his nature.
friend, when you think of generosity, do you think only of giving your money? That’s what many of us have been taught. But it’s so much more than that. There are at least seven ways you and I are called to be generous: through our thoughts toward others, our words to them and about them, the time we spend to care and share with others, giving our full attention to others, using our influence to help others, giving our money, and giving our belongings to others who may need them.
Leta realized that God placed him where he could give his time to help others come to know Jesus.
Where has God put you to show who he is? You can show what God is like by demonstrating generosity (2 Corinthians 9: 7-11 NIV). It may be to only one person or a family that God has put in your life. Or it may be those you work with or those in your neighborhood.
So, the question isn’t just “Why am I here?” It’s “Why am I, here in this place at this time, and how can I reflect God’s generous nature today to someone where he has put me? (2 Corinthians 4:6-7 NIV)
I’m really looking forward to what God is going to do through you!
Because you are a miracle!