Publication date Sep 5, 2023

ZAMAR: To praise by making music

Publication date Sep 5, 2023

In college, I came to a moment when I was at the end of myself, and God used music to open up my heart to a new direction. Caught in my own sin, I heard a song that said, 

“Looks like the boy’s in trouble again. Living much too close to the edge of sin. Now he finds himself where he should not have been. And it pounds like thunder, within my breast, all the anger of my humanness, and though I call you Lord, I must confess, I’m a stranger to Your holiness.”

Lost and alone, I was thankful for another song that played in my mind… “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.”

The tiny Hebrew word “ZAMAR” means to make music.To celebrate in song and music. To touch the strings or parts of a musical instrument.

Psalm 144:9 says, “I will sing a new song to you, O God. On a ten stringed lyre, I will make music (zamar) to You.” (Psalm 144:9 NIV) 

Psalm 7:17 “I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness. And will sing the praises  (zamar) of the name of the Lord most High.” (Psalm 7:17 NIV)

Now I know that not all of us are able to play a musical instrument. For some of us, the best we can do is play the radio! Even if this is true, the worship of music is a gift from God to all of us!  

Johann Sebastian Bach said, “I play the notes as written, but it is God who makes the music. The final aim and reason for all music is nothing more than the glorification of God and the refreshment of the spirit.”

friend, what is a song that lifts your heart towards God? Can you find it and play it right now? Can you join with the artist and glorify God? Take this moment and join in on a song that lifts your eyes above your life situation and place them firmly on your miracle-making God—Jesus!

When the Titanic was sinking, a group of musicians stayed on deck and played a song.  The song? “Nearer My God to Thee.” In the middle of trauma, music brought comfort, solace and peace. My friend, what song could you send to a friend who is hurting and needs a touch from God? Pray for God’s direction and then send it. The moment you take that step, you are dangling on the edge of a miracle!

You are a miracle!

Grant Fishbook

Lead Teaching Pastor @ctkbellingham or, just a regular guy passionately following Jesus!