The Life of Jesus
Movie: The Life of Jesus
Delve into the captivating story of Jesus in "The Life of Jesus". This film tells the stories about Jesus, shared by His closest friends, from the Book of John in the Bible. Discover how Jesus left an indelible impression on people. Born about 2,000 years ago, Jesus' life, death and the miracles he performed changed the course of history. To this day, he inspires more than 2.3 billion people worldwide to follow him. Be inspired by His life story - Impressively portrayed.

Based on the film The Life of Jesus, we have created a handy tool. The movie is a literal rendering of the Gospel of John. With the user-friendly BibleViewer, you can choose specific chapters and verses from this Gospel and play exactly that part of the movie. So if you want to see the Last Supper, click on John 13 or search for John 3 verse 16 and watch one of Jesus' most famous sayings.
You can also download the entire gospel for offline viewing and study.

Explore the BibleViewer

E-mail Series: The Life of Jesus
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