Easter: Is the resurrection of Jesus a true story or a brilliant lie?
This may be the most important article you’ll ever read! Okay, perhaps that’s a bit dramatic. But let’s take a moment to delve into the fascinating story of Easter.
What really happened during Easter? Why and how do we still celebrate it? And where did the Easter Bunny even come from? Most importantly, the ultimate question is yours to answer: do you believe the Easter story is true, or is it a brilliant lie?

What Is Easter?
To answer whether Easter is a true story or a brilliant lie, we must first understand its origins. Easter is a celebration of resurrection—Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead. That’s right: resurrection. Jesus, who had died, came back to life.
The Easter story is all about Jesus. Over 2,000 years ago, he traveled throughout Israel, sharing extraordinary stories, performing miracles, and challenging the religious authorities of his time. On Palm Sunday, just one week before Easter, a crowd welcomed him to Jerusalem as a hero, even the prophesied savior ("Messiah") they believed would deliver them from Roman rule.
However, the Jewish leaders saw him as a threat. On Maundy Thursday, Jesus was betrayed by one of his closest friends, Judas, and arrested. He was tortured and sentenced to death. On Good Friday, Jesus died on a cross. His friends buried him and mourned on what is now called Silent Saturday. But then, on Sunday… his tomb was found empty.
This discovery turned the world upside down. Hundreds of witnesses had seen Jesus die, but many later claimed to have seen him alive again. Their accounts were written down in the Bible, and today, over 2.3 billion people worldwide believe that Jesus is alive.
The Easter Story
Let’s break down the Easter story as described in the Bible. It’s recorded four times in the New Testament, in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. While some details vary, the core message remains consistent:
On Easter morning, three women visit Jesus' tomb to care for his body, as was customary. But to their shock, the tomb is empty. The large stone that sealed it has been rolled away, and the burial cloths lie neatly folded. Jesus’ body is gone.
Mary Magdalene is the first person to encounter Jesus after his resurrection. Distraught, she initially mistakes him for the gardener. But when he speaks her name, she recognizes him. Jesus instructs her to share the news with his followers. Mary runs to tell the others, but no one believes her.
The disciples are skeptical of Mary’s account but curious. Fear grips them—they worry the Jewish leaders will punish them for following Jesus. While they hide behind locked doors, unsure of what to do, Jesus suddenly appears among them.
“Peace be with you,” Jesus says as he stands in their midst. He shows them he is alive, shares his message of forgiveness, and calls them to forgive one another. Most importantly, he gives them a mission: to share the good news and care for others.
The Bible recounts many encounters between Jesus and others after his resurrection, even mentioning that more than 500 people saw him alive. The disciples took his mission to heart and spread the message far and wide: “Jesus is alive!”
True Story or Brilliant Lie?
The disciples never doubted Jesus’ resurrection. They traveled across Asia, Persia, Ethiopia, India, and Europe to share the news, even though doing so often cost them their lives. Most of Jesus’ friends were brutally murdered for their beliefs.
Despite efforts to suppress the story, it has endured for millennia. Today, over 2.3 billion people believe in the Easter story, trust the testimonies of those early witnesses, and experience a personal connection with Jesus.
Christians believe Jesus returned to God in heaven but continues to connect with people through prayer. Many describe transformative experiences, such as dreams, visions, or the inspiration to live more lovingly.
And the Easter Bunny?
What about all the chocolate, eggs, and that mysterious Easter Bunny? While delicious, these traditions have little to do with the biblical story. Some suggest the egg symbolizes rebirth in various cultures. Over time, Christian and non-Christian customs merged, incorporating springtime traditions like Easter bonfires and trees.
Easter invites you to reflect. Do you believe that Jesus' resurrection is a true story or a brilliant lie? That’s for you to decide.

The Wonders of the Cross
What happened in the final 18 hours before Jesus’ death on the cross?
In the email series The Wonders of the Cross, Wilkin van de Kamp takes you as close to Jesus as possible, revealing the magnitude of His sacrifice for you—an event that has the power to change your life forever.
Sign up for this powerful 40-day journey through the seven moments when Jesus’ blood was shed.