The Timeline:
Jesus' life on earth
You are here to learn about Jesus, so let's jump right in, shall we? Jesus is a striking figure whose influence stretches throughout history all the way up to this current era. You probably already know that we celebrate his birth at Christmas and commemorate his death and resurrection on Good Friday and Easter. But who is Jesus really? And what really happened in his life, what's his biography?
In this timeline of Jesus life we'll walk you step by step from his miraculous birth to his dying breath and beyond!

Jesus' birth and childhood
4 B.C. to 30 A.D.
In Jesus' day, birth announcements were not celebrated with the weight, length and exact date of the baby's birth like we do now. There were no Instagram posts with infant Jesus swathed in cotton-linen cuddling a Jellycat rabbit. But Luke and Matthew, two of the Bible's gospel writers, did include the details surrounding his actual birth. Thanks to these accounts, we can create this timeline of Jesus' arrival here on earth. It is no ordinary birth story.
4 B.C.
4 B.C.
An Angel visits Mary
The young couple, Mary and Joseph, were engaged to be married when Mary was visited by an angel. The angel told her she would become pregnant with a boy who would be the son of God. Mary was confused because she was still a virgin! "How can this be?" she asked. The angel said the Spirit of God would accomplish it.
The Census
By the order of the emperor, all inhabitants were instructed to registered in the place of their birth. So even though Mary was very pregnant at that point, her and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem.
The Birth of Jesus
When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labour. Because of the crowds in the town, there was no room for them in any of the inns. So Mary gave birth to her son in a stable, because there was nowhere else.
Visiting the infant King
Although his birth place was humble there were the spectacular birth announcements for Jesus. A new star in the heavens and angels both told of his birth to strangers! Joseph and Mary receive visits, first from shepherds outside the city, who hear from an angel. Then later from wise men 'from the east' who travelled following a star in the direction of 'the newborn King of the Jews'.
On the run to Egypt
Jesus was hardly a toddler when the wise men came to worship him. After their visit Herod, who heard about this 'king' being born, fears any competition for his position of power. So he has all the little boys under the age of 2 killed in Bethlehem. Joseph is warned in a dream, so he and Mary flee into Egypt just in time to protect little Jesus.
A quiet period
After Herod's death the family travels back to Israel to live in Nazareth. We don't learn very much about Jesus life during this this time. The only other thing that is said about Jesus' childhood is that he grows up in height and wisdom and that he found favour with God and the people around him. There is one special event we are told about through. One quick peek into Jesus' childhood.
8 A.D.
8 A.D.
The 12-year-old Jesus in the temple
At the age of 12, Jesus traveled with his parents to Jerusalem for the annual Passover celebration. On the way back, his parents suddenly discover that Jesus is missing. After three days of searching, they find him in the temple, deep in conversation with scholars. They scold him for scaring them, but he calmly responded, "“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”
8-25 A.D.
8-25 A.D.
Jesus from Teen to Adult
Back then it was common for sons to be trained in their father's trade. Joseph being Jesus earthly step-father would have taught Jesus carpentry. We have no other biblical records of Jesus from age 12-30. But it is interesting to imagine what it might have been like for him to grow up. He would have learned that his was very different from everyone else around him.
Public Appearances of Jesus
26 to 29 A.D.
Around the age of 30, the story of Jesus' life picks up again. That's because the biographies about Jesus were not written down until a few decades later. It is most likely that these events took place between 26 and 29 A.D. We don't know the exact date but we do know that Jesus began to travel around the country side and to towns and cities.
Jesus had many encounters with people, told stories, performs miracles. In this timeline of Jesus, we will take you through the highlights of his journey.
It begins with John the Baptist proclaiming the coming of the long-awaited Messiah. He calls the people of Israel to repentance and to be baptized. Then Jesus himself shows up at the river's edge where John was.
26 A.D.
26 A.D.
Jesus Baptized
Before Jesus did anything publicly, he sought out his cousin John, who baptized people to start a new life. Jesus asks John to baptize him also. As Jesus was raised out of the water the heaven was opened, there was a loud voice that said, "You are my beloved Son. In you I find great joy." God had just proclaimed that Jesus is his own Son and He is pleased with him.
Jesus in the desert
Right after that, God sends Jesus into the desert for forty days. The whole time Jesus does not eat or drink. After a while, the devil comes by. He tests Jesus three times: he tempts him in ways that we as humans are also tempted. Jesus resists the temptations by pointing to what is written in the Bible. Then the devil leaves Jesus alone.
Jesus in the Temple
After his time in the desert, Jesus returns to Galilee strengthened. He teaches in synagogues and is praised by the people. He receives a scroll from the prophet Isaiah to read from that day. Jesus reads the section announcing the Messiah and says that what is written has finally been fulfilled.
Jesus Recuits Disciples
Jesus carefully chooses followers to join him on his mission, he tells them to leave their old lives behind. Jesus travels around Israel teaching in the synagogues and on hillsides and anywhere people would listen; telling people the gospel of the kingdom of God. The twelve men become his closest friends but are also called his disciples.
The First Miracle
Jesus and his disciples have been invited to a wedding in Cana, Galilee. Part way through the celebration they run out of wine; a shame in a culture of hospitality. Then Jesus instructs the servants to fill the water jars to the brim with water. The he tells them to take some to the Master of Ceremoines, as they do the water turns into wine - Jesus' first miracle.
Jesus Celebrates a Feast
During the Feast of Tabernacles, Israelites remember the time they lived in huts and tents after fleeing from Egypt. They remember God's faithfulness with lavish food, and lots of dancing and music. Jesus was preaching in Jesusalem during the feast and all the people were amazed at his wisdom, even though he was not trained as a religious leader.
Most Famous Prayer
Only once do we read of the followers of Jesus asking him to teach them something specific. This is when Jesus teaches them our most famous Christain prayer.
Jesus' Gains Notoriety
Jesus' traveled throughout the cities, towns and country sides in Israel. Everywhere he went he performed miracles; healing people and casting out demons. This in addition to his revolutionary teaching, people's lives were being turned upside down.
The final week
29 A.D.
There is much focus in the Bible on Jesus' last week in Jerusalem. It just 'happened' to line up exactly with the Jewish people's most holy and important week of the year.
It seems all the rest of his life was leading up to this point, so his biographers slow things down and go into detail over this time period. Letting us know it is very important.
Jesus Celebrated!
Jesus is received as king in Jerusalem. He rides a donkey and everyone worshipfully waves palm branches and sings Hosanna ("save us" or "help us"). The Jews hope that Jesus will deliver them from the Roman oppressors and that he is the promised Messiah. Jesus' entry is celebrated on Palm Sunday.
Jesus in the Temple
As was his practice Jesus visits the temple. Because of the coming Passover feast the temple is being used as a marketplace! Jesus is furious and overturns tables, driving the vendors out in righteous anger. He yells at them, "My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.”
Tuesday and Wednesday
Tuesday and Wednesday
Teaching in the Temple
For the second time Jesus comes to the temple, this time teaching. Most often Jesus taught in parables; short stories full of symbolism and metaphors. Two well known parables are the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.
The Plot to Kill
The Jewish leaders hate Jesus. They try to provoke him with difficult questions. But Jesus holds up a mirror to them with each answer. The leaders become increasingly angry and can see that they are losing their power grip on their own people. They decide that Jesus must be taken out.
An Unthinkable Deal
Judas, one of Jesus own close friends is persuaded to betray Jesus. He receives 30 pieces of silver if he hands Jesus over to the soldiers.
The Passover Feast
Every spring, the Jews celebrate the Feast of Passover. This was to remind them of how God miraculously freed them from cruel slavery in Eygpt their people had suffered under for 400 years! Jesus kept this feast with his friends, famously called 'The Last Supper'.
The Betrayal
During the meal, Jesus tells his dsicoples that one of them who is at that very table will betray him. His friends are in shock; who would possibly do such a thing?
Goodbye for now
Not for the first time, Jesus tells his followers that he will die but also rise from the dead. He tries to explain to his friends what is to come. In his farewell speech, he shows glimpses of the future and speaks encouragement to his friends. His friends, however, do not understand.
The Judas Kiss
After the meal, Jesus and his friends take a walk through a garden where Jesus prays and weeps bitterly. Then the soldiers arrive. Judas gives Jesus a kiss, the sign to the soldiers who to arrest. In an attempt to save Jesus, Peter cuts off a servant's ear. But Jesus heals the man and says, "It is necessary that all this be done." Jesus was taken into custody by the religious leaders.
A False Trial
First Jesus is brought before the High Priest and other religiuos leaders who hate him. They had paid people to give false testimony against Jesus publicly. All the people were stirred up and wanted Jesus to be put to death. But they couldn't do that without the Roman authorities permission.
The Verdict
When brought before the local Roman magistrate the man actually sees no fault in Jesus. Even his wife begs him not to let Jesus be killed. He tries to free Jesus, and even has him brutally whipped hoping that will appease the raging crowds. But they only shout louder "Crucify him!" So wanting to avoid a riot, he relents and gives Jesus the death sentence.
The Crucifixion
A common death for criminals at the time was for them to be hung on a cross. It is a gruesome death sentence, sometimes taking days for death to finally come. It is so painful the word 'excruciating' was made to describe it. Nails pierce Jesus' hands and feet as he hung on cross and people look on and mock him cruelly.
It is Finished
While Jesus was hanging on the cross struggling to breathe there was an earthquake and the sky went dark even though it was still midday. In the midst of great pain, Jesus asks God, his Father, to forgive the people becasue they don't understand what they are doing. Then he cries out "It is finished" and dies.
Jesus Buried
His friends take Jesus down from the cross. He is buried in a tomb, carved into a rock in the garden of a wealthy man, Joseph. The Roman officials roll a stone over the entrance of the tomb and place it under constant guard.
Silence and Grief
On Saturday, there is silence. It is the Jewish day of rest. The friends of Jesus mourn the loss. Judas so deeply regrets his betrayal that he wants to give his money back to the Jewish leaders. They will have none of it. Devistated he uses the money to buy a field and commits suicide in it.
The Empty Tomb
The body of Jesus needs further care, so two women go to the tomb, but find it is open. And empty! Mary meets Jesus, in the flesh. She runs back to tell the others, but they find her story unbelievable.
Jesus is Alive!
Jesus' followers are anxious and confused. Fearfully they meet in a locked room to comfort one another. Suddenly Jesus appears among them! For 40 days Jesus meets people and talks to them about what is to come. Reportedly, 500 people see him alive.
What happens next?
This story does not end at Jesus' death on the cross, even his miraculous resurrection is not the final chapter either. This incredible story continues, even to this day, to understand that we need to read on.
40 days later
40 days later
Jesus' Ascent
At the top of the Mount of Olives, Jesus shares parting words with his beloved followers. He encourages them - to wait for his Spirit to come. As they watch Jesus rise and disappear in the clouds, he returns to his Father. They linger, but two angels appear and tell them, "why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.”
Holy Fire
10 days later, while they are praying together, the Holy Spirit comes like fire and fills each one of the followers of Jesus. Overflowing with joy , they boldly tell everyone about Jesus! This day marks the birth of the Christian church. As the message is shared new people believe daily and his followers take the message all over the world! Many die brutal deaths because of the good news they shared. Now we are more than 2000 years later and more than 2.3 billion people still believe their story: Jesus is ALIVE!
And now?
2024 A.D.
2024 A.D.
Most Famous
Jesus has had an enormous impact on the world even now. The Christian faith is the largest and fastest-growing religion in the world. As of 2021, 2.3 billion people believe that Jesus is the son of God, fully man, fully human, that he lived, died, was resurrected and is now in heaven. And very importantly that he will return as he said. This famous Jesus is not just a source of inspiration or a good moral teacher but lord of their lives.
Easter: true story or brilliant lie?
So what do you think? Did all these events really happen or did his friends make up this timeline and lied about his resurrection? Click on the button to read more about Easter to help you make up your mind.

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