Jesus about forgiveness? | Top 10 quotes
If anyone in world history has changed the view of forgiveness, it is Jesus. The Bible is full of quotes from Jesus about forgiveness. He offers a very different perspective. The focus is not on ourselves but on the other and above all on God.
The statements of Jesus are often radical and take time to ponder over. They go deep and challenge you. What does Jesus say about forgiveness?
Quotes of Jesus about forgiveness:
Part of the the Lord’s Prayer.
Matthew 6:9-15
In addition to these quotes, Jesus also regularly tells stories to emphasize the importance of forgiveness, also called parables. The stories are not based on true events, but show the core of what Jesus stands for. Think of the story of the Prodigal Son who squandered his inheritance and came back crawling to his father. The ultimate example of forgiveness but also his brother’s struggle to accept that forgiveness.
Have you heard of this parable? Jesus tells a story about a man with a large debt of money. He is in danger of being sold into slavery, along with his family. He can’t possibly afford the money. The man begs the king for more time. The king takes pity and even forgives him the entire debt. But instead of being grateful, he makes sure that another man who owes him a little bit of money is thrown in jail. The king is furious! If your guilt is forgiven, then you must also forgive the other with all your heart. Matthew 18:23-35
What do you think of Jesus’ sayings about forgiveness? Which one speaks to you and which one doesn’t? Let us know through the contact form and receive answer from our e-coaches!
This is an online course where you will find your own path of forgiveness. Do you have the courage?