Sandy Tales about forgiveness | The Prodigal Son
Claiming your inheritance. Completely squandering all your money, only to return on hands and knees, shamefaced. Would you be waiting for someone like that? In this Sandy Tales about forgiveness, this is exactly what happens. How will his father react? After all, he hadn’t died yet. He was asked by his son to give him his inheritance. Then the son comes home.

What is Sandy Tales?
Sandy Tales are stories told with sand. The sand creator Harm van Schaik creates together with the most beautiful videos with stories from the Bible. He uses special sand which lies on a lightbox. His hands paint with the sand as it were.

Jesus is a true storyteller. His stories are also called parables. Using examples, Jesus tries to address difficult themes. The stories are mainly intended to hold up a mirror to people. Forgiveness is such a difficult theme. We all have to deal with it from time to time. Someone disappoints you or hurts you. It is not always easy to forgive someone when you are angry. Or when you’re disappointed in yourself….
The Lost Son
This Sandy Tales tells the story of the Lost Son, one of Jesus’ most famous parables. Watch the story now.
Let’s take a closer look at the story. In between, you’ll find personal questions to help you think about the story for yourself. After all, that was Jesus’ intention with this kind of story. To make people look in the mirror at their own choices and behavior.
The story begins with the youngest son. He wants to claim his share of the inheritance, even though his father is still alive. This would be very hurtful as a father because your son is essentially saying, "I wish you were dead"! A few days later, he sells his share and takes off with the money. He drinks, he parties with his friends and squanders away. Until there is no money left. And then his friends are nowhere to be found.
Have you made bad choices and rejected your Heavenly Father?
Utterly destitute the son thinks maybe he can find a job somewhere herding pigs. In his Jewish religion, that is really the lowest of the low. Pigs were unclean animals and you really shouldn’t go near them. But even these animals had it better than him. So desperately low and starving, he even eats their food. Humiliated and hopeless. Empty stomach, dirty, alone and far away from home. His rash actions are looking like a terrible mistake now.
Or made a life decision that ended in great disappointment?

No Pride Left
The boy probably thought for a long time; trying to puzzle his way out of the literal mess he was in. He could go home... but would he have been troubled by his conscience? It was big step. Was his family still waiting for him? Shamefaced and with a fearful heart, he returns home. He would rather work as a servant for his father than stay in this situation. No pride left, he decides its best to grovel and admit his mistakes. What will the journey home have been like? Was he dragging his feet? Afraid of being turned away.
Unexpected Reception
He can't believe his eyes, there in the distance, his father is waiting for him. The father sees his emaciated, grime covered son slowly trudging up the road. What has happened to him? The Father doesn't seem to care about the rejection and betrayal. He jumps out of his seat and runs down the road to meet his son! Back in those ancient times, it was considered disgraceful for an older man to run, it would be beneath them. Yet, even though the son is the truly disgraced one, the Father doesn't care about the customs, he runs to his son. When he meets him on the road tears of joy stream down his face.
“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
The boy tries to recite the speech he's been mentally preparing all the way to ask forgiveness. To beg to be treated just as a servant in his fathers house. He knows he deserve no mercy, he doesn't expect forgiveness or grace. But the Father won't even listen to his speech. No, he is too busy hugging him and celebrating the sons return! He gives the boy a ring, new clothes and tells the household to prepare a party, "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate." Luke 15:24
What is mercy? It's not receiving the punishment or treatment that we deserve.
Unexpectedly the boy has not only mercy, but grace abundantly pour on him.
What is grace? The free and unmerited favor of God.
The Other Son
But the story is not finished yet. Hanging back from the party with an angry, miserable expression is the older bother. The anger is understandable. His brother runs off with half the money and suddenly he’s on his doorstep; now he is supposed to be happy. He is not happy and he won't pretend to be! After all, he has always done just as he was supposed to. Never asked for anything extra. Always worked hard. He knows that his brother doesn't deserve any of this special treatment, and he feels that he should be receiving it instead.

Have you ever been angry when someone underserving received what you felt you deserved?
Which One are You?
In telling this story Jesus wants to hold up a mirror to people. The story is not only about the prodigal son. It is also about the brother. About expectations and disappointments. Read more of Jesus’ statements about forgiveness here and read the whole story again in the Bible here.
Do you recognize yourself in one of the two sons? In the son who has made big mistakes? Or in the brother who did everything right, only to watch his brother be seemingly rewarded for bad behaviour?
Who are you in this story?
The Main Character
In this parable we should see ourselves in either the younger or older brother. But the main character of the story is actually the Father. Everything Jesus did and said was meant to show us the Father, God.
This beautiful story is meant to give us a better picture of who God is and what His character is like. So often we think we need to hide our mistakes (or sin) from Him. Or that we've been good and deserve a reward for it. In this parable, though the father, we see that our Heavenly Father is one who extends unending grace to those who are humble. People who come to him knowing they have done wrong by him are embraced with loving arms, kissed and clothed! He loves us so much, he forgive us and welcomes us back.
It is important that above all else we see this is a picture of God's forgiveness, compassion and love towards us. He is the Father who runs towards us with arms open and calls us his children, even though we don't deserve it.
Would you like to discuss this story further? Or share your answers to the questions posed in the story? Fill out the contact form and talk it through with one of our e-coaches.

This is a course where you will find your own path of forgiveness. Do you have the courage?