Stories About Jesus
There are stories about Jesus from all over the world. The most important story about Jesus is, of course, in the Bible where we can trace the most significant years of His life. Those years that Jesus was on earth accomplished there intended purpose. Which is why we have still the stories today, passed down for thousands of years. This is how we get to know him, and because he is still alive today, everyone can form his or her own relationship with Jesus and God.
Do you have a personal story with Jesus?

Testimonies of Christians from the Past
The very first testimonies of Christians about Jesus are in the Bible. The first four books of the New Testament in the Bible are about Jesus and were written separately by four different people, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The stories from these four Gospels all describe the life of Jesus. If you read the bible you will find that these narratives are mostly the same, but each writer has a slightly different perspective or emphasis in their storytelling. Much as it would be if you and three friends shared an experience and recorded it later, each would remember details others didn’t, but over all the story would be the same.
Non-biblical Stories About Jesus
Apart from the Bible, there have been historians who write about Jesus, including Flavius Josephus and the Greek philosopher Celsus. These are non-biblical stories about Jesus. These men were not Christians, but recognized Jesus’ significance in history and recorded basic details about his life. They simply told what kind of man Jesus was, what they thought of him and described his death.
Stories About Jesus From This Time
It makes sense that there are stories about Jesus from the time he lived, but for a time the stories of Jesus’ life were suppressed. The authorities, king and rulers of the time did not want the story of Jesus life, death and resurrection to spread. Thankfully their attempts to stop it only made it spread more quickly! We have innumerable testimonies throughout all of history telling how people encountered Jesus and were transformed by him. Stories were written down then – and still are now, 2000 years later. Many people experience Jesus today and have beautiful stories of how they have gotten to know him. The most wonderful testimonials are from people whose lives were completely transformed by a real encounter with Jesus. Many of those stories are so dramatic they had to be written down in books.
The Story of Saul
There is a story about Saul in the Bible. Saul deeply hated Christians and Jesus. He even persecuted them; went after them and imprisoned them, or had them brutally killed. One day he had a startling encounter with Jesus. It was so profound that he stopped persecuting Christians and instead became one! He went from trying to tear down the Christian church to being one of its core teachers, even writing seven books of the Bible!
Stories about Muslims who became Christians
Today examples and books can be found of people who at first did not want to know anything about Jesus and God. Below is a list of books written by Muslims who became Christians because of a radical experience with Jesus:
Nabeel Qureshi – Seeking Allah, finding Jesus
Joseph Fadelle (previously names Mohammed al-Sayyid al-Moussawi) – The Price to pay
Mosab Hassan Yousef – Son of Hamas
Tass Saada – Once an Arafat man (written by a Palestinian sniper)
Stories about Jesus from People Near You
In addition to these books, there are countless stories of people all over the world experiencing Jesus. Maybe you have even met someone with a similar experience?
Take for example the story of Aishah. She grew up in a Muslim household and always thought she’d be a Muslim like her parents. She would pray to Allah several times a day and marry a Muslim husband. This changed when she got into a relationship with a Christian man. His family prayed for her and she was amazed by how often this God listened to their requests when it was asked in the name of Jesus. After a while, she even started calling God her father and she felt herself surrounded by his love and peace. You can watch the video below.
Other people’s stories about Jesus
On and we offer inspiration and courses and we receive many responses. We share some great stories:
Reactions on
“I want to thank you…because without the online courses and information about Jesus, I wouldn’t be here. I am from Iran and I would have given up on life, but now I have found hope.”
“This year has been so hard for me. I lost my mother to Covid and now I have to take care of my very sick father alone. I have struggled with Covid myself. At one point I got so angry with God that I hadn’t been able to pray in months. I blamed God for all this misery. So I want to thank you for your emails because your words of hope remind me that even though I feel lonely, with God I am never alone. Because of our weakness He is strong.”
“A big thank you to my e-coach. Because of her help and this course, I no longer see faith as adhering to rules and regulations, but as a way of life – full of gratitude and love.”
Stories on
“When I visited your website for people who struggle with suicidal thoughts, I never expected to connect with someone who would talk to me about God, to be pointed towards God’s promises that I can hold on to. I can see now that God will bring people into your life that will draw you closer to Him. My dark thoughts haven’t completely disappeared but I feel like I can breathe again and I have now seen the shimmer of light. I have found hope.”
“At my grandfather’s funeral, the minister said that my grandfather’s greatest desire was that we all would personally connect to Jesus. I was so moved. When I got home, I started searching online. Who is Jesus? I found this online course and learned all about Him. I have now decided to give my life to Jesus!”
Jesus loves you
Perhaps you read these stories about Jesus and wonder if you can feel a connection with God. Or do you just want to know more about Jesus and God and be encouraged? We know God loves you and we invite you to read our daily encouragement or take a class. Its so easy to take this first step towards Him, and you never know where it may lead, but it will be wonderful, we promise!
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Talks with Jesus
Discover and learn more about Jesus by looking at seven talks Jesus had, when he walked on this earth.