The Conversion of Saul
There was a man with a mission. His name was Saul. He was a zealous religious leader, called a Pharisee. He breathed out murderous threats against anyone who did not follow Jewish law. He had them dragged to prison and executed.

Saul destroyed the community of the followers of Jesus. He did not believe that Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah. He had no intention of stopping the persecution of Jesus’ followers. He wanted to go to Damascus to have the believers there imprisoned and brought to Jerusalem.
The story of Saul being converted to Paul is a beautiful picture of how God's grace extends to all of us. The Bible tells us that even when were were still enemies of God, Jesus died for us. Jesus death was a sacrifice to pay the debt we owed, but it was more than that! It also means that we can go from being enemies, to friend, even children of God. If Saul who was killing followers of Jesus can be saved and become a child of God, anyone can.