If you could design a new family, what would it look like?

Unfortunately, we don’t get to press ‘redo’ on our family. However, striving towards having a faith-filled family is never too late. God has a vision for each family, despite its origins or history

There is hope for the family today! You can build a faith-filled family which has a vision and purpose!

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"This approach has nurtured a deep sense of empathy and connection among [our family], helping us to stand together through all times"

"We've started to unravel who we are as a family
and where we should be heading."

"It opened our eyes to how unique our family is
and pointed out some dynamics we could work on."

Take a look inside

"Building a Faith Filled Family" is an amazing combination of a book you can read and an audio version you can listen to. When you sign up, you will receive a special gift from Family ID, the ministry behind “Building a Faith Filled Family: A 21 Day Journey Towards God’s Vision for Your Family”a PDF copy of the written content with audio links, and a daily email from Derek England, Executive Director of Family ID, to encourage you along your journey.


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