
The Timeline:
Jesus' life on earth

You are here to learn about Jesus, so let's jump right in, shall we? Jesus is a striking figure whose influence stretches throughout history all the way up to this current era. You probably already know that we celebrate his birth at Christmas and commemorate his death and resurrection on Good Friday and Easter. But who is Jesus really? And what really happened in his life, what's his biography?

In this timeline of Jesus life we'll walk you step by step from his miraculous birth to his dying breath and beyond!

Man with his jeans rolled up waling on black sand barefoot

Jesus' birth and childhood

4 B.C. to 30 A.D.

In Jesus' day, birth announcements were not celebrated with the weight, length and exact date of the baby's birth like we do now. There were no Instagram posts with infant Jesus swathed in cotton-linen cuddling a Jellycat rabbit. But Luke and Matthew, two of the Bible's gospel writers, did include the details surrounding his actual birth. Thanks to these accounts, we can create this timeline of Jesus' arrival here on earth. It is no ordinary birth story.

4 B.C.

4 B.C.

A quiet period

After Herod's death the family travels back to Israel to live in Nazareth. We don't learn very much about Jesus life during this this time. The only other thing that is said about Jesus' childhood is that he grows up in height and wisdom and that he found favour with God and the people around him. There is one special event we are told about through. One quick peek into Jesus' childhood.

8 A.D.

8 A.D.

8-25 A.D.

8-25 A.D.

Public Appearances of Jesus

26 to 29 A.D.

Around the age of 30, the story of Jesus' life picks up again. That's because the biographies about Jesus were not written down until a few decades later. It is most likely that these events took place between 26 and 29 A.D. We don't know the exact date but we do know that Jesus began to travel around the country side and to towns and cities.

Jesus had many encounters with people, told stories, performs miracles. In this timeline of Jesus, we will take you through the highlights of his journey.

It begins with John the Baptist proclaiming the coming of the long-awaited Messiah. He calls the people of Israel to repentance and to be baptized. Then Jesus himself shows up at the river's edge where John was.

26 A.D.

26 A.D.

The final week

29 A.D.

There is much focus in the Bible on Jesus' last week in Jerusalem. It just 'happened' to line up exactly with the Jewish people's most holy and important week of the year.

It seems all the rest of his life was leading up to this point, so his biographers slow things down and go into detail over this time period. Letting us know it is very important.





Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday and Wednesday









What happens next?

This story does not end at Jesus' death on the cross, even his miraculous resurrection is not the final chapter either. This incredible story continues, even to this day, to understand that we need to read on.

40 days later

40 days later

And now?

2024 A.D.

2024 A.D.

Easter: true story or brilliant lie?

So what do you think? Did all these events really happen or did his friends make up this timeline and lied about his resurrection? Click on the button to read more about Easter to help you make up your mind.

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