
The Suffering of Job

Why is there suffering in this world and why does suffering happen to us? That is perhaps the one of the most common faith related questions asked on a regular basis. The book in the Bible of Job, a rich man many centuries ago, deals with profound suffering. He doesn't hold back on his feelings or complaints to God. By the end of the book God doesn't get mad at Job for being angry with Him, he answers Job in a wonderful and beautiful way. Even though the story follows extreme lose and suffering it's actually about worship.

Man in a dark room looking sad
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praise
Job 1:20

In this beautiful video, the Sand Artist tells the old story with sand art.

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Job and the question of suffering

My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.
Job 42:5

More about Job

Discover the Reading Plan about Job and the question of suffering. In the following ten days, you will walk through the story of the wealthy Job.