“I knew that whatever God does through this audio guide would encourage me. I looked forward to it every day.” - audioguide participant

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  • Audio and pdf content of the 21-day audio guide “Hope Encountered: Finding the Light in Your Darkness”
  • A daily email during the journey with access to all the amazing content


Your donation of $35.00 CAD or more helps Jesus.net offer these resources in the future. $70.00 CAD or more provides this audio guide as a gift to someone who needs access to the content. If finances are an issue, give any amount by clicking 'Other'. This audio guide is our gift to you!


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Gifts given to Hope Encountered: Finding the Light In Your Darkness are tax deductible through our partnership with The Great Commission Foundation.

A Special Message from Déborah Rosenkranz

Do you feel like you can't see the light anymore because of all the darkness?

You are not alone!

I conducted a survey and received so much feedback that completely confirms this, and it’s why I want to address those exact topics in “Hope Encountered”.

Here is the top list of topics that currently move people:

  • Sadness: You may not have a specific reason, but experiencing a sense of joy just doesn't seem possible.
  • Lack of drive: This feeling that no matter what you do, it's pointless anyway. And that's why you just do NOTHING anymore.
  • Hopelessness: You might say to yourself, “So much has already gone wrong in my life, why should it change now?"
  • Loneliness: Feeling lonely by yourself, or even within marriage or a relationship. You may even have been abandoned in your life.
  • Fear: Fears are so common, and could include the fear of the future, fear of the darkness of this season, or fear of the situation in this world. 
  • Insomnia: No matter what you do, or take, you lie awake in bed for nights on end.
  • Grief: The pain of having lost something or someone dear to you in your life. 
  • Addictions: Whether it's an eating disorder, alcohol addiction, or addiction to recognition... depression may have been the trigger for this, or the other way around.
  • Isolation: Perhaps you’ve distanced yourself from people because something has been taken away from you through abuse, for example, and trust in people is difficult to regain.
  • Insecurity: Every step outside the door is difficult because you have heard so often that you are a failure and can no longer see clearly because of all the lies
  • Doubt: You may feel that there's no point of believing anymore when you’ve never felt God. Why did he allow all this in my life in the first place?
Can you identify with one or more of these points?
If so, I can confirm for you that you are not alone.
I, too, have experienced and lived through that entire list.
Deborah - Headshot with border

My name is Déborah Rosenkranz. I am one of the writers for A Miracle Every Day, and its counterpart Ein Wunder für jeden Tag in German. Every day I get to reach about 220,000 people around the world through an encouraging email, helping them to start their day with God, and therefore, full of faith. 

I have focused my life on bringing hope to people. I experienced this hope—I, who almost died of eating disorders, experienced abuse, assault, and depression was allowed to experience this hope. 

I am very grateful that God has entrusted me with this platform to raise my voice for those who don’t have one themselves right now. That has always been my desire. And so I'm excited to be that voice for you over the next 21 days. So that you can find your voice again... and become the voice for others!

You are a miracle, and you too can have hope. I invite you to join me, and countless others, as we find the light in the darkness together.

I know that this is the start of something great! I can’t wait to meet you at the start of our 21-day journey!

Until then, 



Take a peek! "Hope Encountered: Finding the Light in Your Darkness" is an amazing combination of a book you can read and an audio version you can listen to.


Frequently Asked Questions You May Have

What is an audioguide?

An audio guide serves a profound purpose in your life by allowing you to immerse yourself in a specific topic and dedicate a significant period of time to deepen your understanding and experience. As you apply the principles shared and foster a closer relationship with God, you will witness personal growth and transformation. 


What is included in an audioguide?

  • Pre-recorded audio content for you to listen to at your own pace
  • Corresponding written content for you to follow along with
  • Built-in times for reflection and prayer
  • Different topics each day, working together to increase your knowledge and experience with God’s design for servant leadership


Why should you participate in an Audio Guide? 

  • It’s just 15 minutes every morning so you can fit it into your schedule
  • 21 days is the “sweet spot” for building a new habit — devote this time to the Lord and you will establish a new routine of being immersed in His Word. 
  • You get to complete the journey with other people! You’re not in this alone, my friend.  

Why is there a cost?

This Audio Guide takes a team to produce. A donation of the value amount will help Jesus.net cover these costs and offer other guides in the future. A gift over the valued amount will bless others who cannot afford a donation to still participate in this exciting journey. For your donation, a year-end donation receipt will be provided by our friends at The Great Commission Foundation Canada.

Or, become part of our Miracle 1000 family with a $25.00/month commitment and receive this guide and every new Audio Guide for free.

We never want finances to be a hindrance to receiving the benefits of this 21-day journey. We’re thankful for any amount you can give and, if you are not able to give a donation, we are happy to bless you with at a cost you can afford. Simply give what you can.

How do I receive the most current audioguide?

Are you ready to journey into God’s vision for the next challenge in your life? God has something He wants to tell you over the next 21 days. Come be part of it and watch your life and leadership transform through this unique 21 day journey being offered today!

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If you cannot make the recommended donation amount, please click here.

Gifts given to Hope Encountered: Finding the Light In Your Darkness are tax deductible through our partnership with The Great Commission Foundation.