Values & Dream

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WE ARE seeker driven

Seeker driven

To resonate with the reality of seekers and be relevant for their spiritual journey, we always aim first for their heart and focus on their spiritual needs.

WE VALUE innovation, humility and unity


To inspire and encourage others to develop creative evangelistic tools, we always choose innovations that will rank as a cutting edge and trendsetting evangelistic platform.


To impact people instead of impress them, we always display an attitude of modesty, humility, and accountability by giving glory to God in all we do and for all we achieve.


To secure the sustainable growth and multiplication of, ensuring the fruitfulness of invested resources and efforts, we always choose collaborations that will nourish its DNA.

WE STRIVE for wholeheartedness, excellence and accessibility


To transmit joy and have a contagious enthusiasm that impact our partners and our audience, we always find the motivation for our undertakings in our undivided passion for searchers and for online communication.


To glorify God and be effective in reaching our goals, we always strive for excellence in everything we do.​


To give every opportunity to all sustainable potential for growth, we never let financial inability or any disability hinder the transfer of our resources, knowledge, and experience.

WE FOCUS on Jesus only

Jesus only

To keep our focus on evangelization and win as many people as possible for Christ, we always concentrate on spreading the redeeming message of crucified and resurrected Jesus and refrain from denominational debates.


Our vision

Imagine a world with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in Jesus and sharing faith easily.

Imagine a world

Worldwide, millions of people are online 24/7. They are searching for peace, love, lasting relationships and (sometimes without knowing it) they are looking for God. We want to be there for them, to help them find Hope.

With every single person

People are important to God. Jesus cared for people, for every single person. He is focused on connecting with every individual.

Having free access

The Internet is available everywhere. Close to every culture. On every device. On every mobile phone. The Internet is the best illustration of freedom, free access, and an open future. uses the Internet to give people access to God's love in their first or second language.

To the Gospel

'God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16

Knowing God

Many people know something about God. But most of the time it is a distorted or incomplete picture of God. presents the heart of God online. The goal is to help people get to know God. God as a loving Father. Who cares for all people, including them.

Growing in Jesus

When people start getting to know God, they become new people. They realize that God made them with a purpose. They find their destiny. The Bible speaks about becoming like Jesus. helps people to grow to be more like Him, in every language, in every culture…

And sharing faith easily

Most people in this world believe there is something between heaven and earth. There must be a God. We often describe this as religious feelings. Christianity is also a religion. But more importantly, it is a living relationship with God. This can only be seen in the lives of people. provides Christians with the tools to show how real this relationship with Him is. To share their faith, as easily as possible.