Pay it forward: A free movie as a ‘Thank you’

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Thank you so much for you willing to pay forward what you have received through A Miracle Every Day. Every gift you make will allow someone else to be blessed with the words of God! Click here to set up your gift.

I want to thank you with a nice gift. In cooperation with my friends from Christian Cinema, I can offer you a movie to watch for free. When you have finished setting up your gift through PayPal, you will be lead to a survey in which you can choose one of these 5 movies (click every title for more information). If you set up your donation in a different way than through PayPal, please send an email to, so he can give you access to the movie of your choice.

  1. I Believe
  2. Let There Be Light (US only)
  3. Priceless (US only)
  4. The Case For Christ (US only)
  5. Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea

Some movies can be watched in the US only. Please be aware of this.

Go to this website to set up your gift and to bless someone else with A Miracle Every Day.