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In this video serie examine seven staggering statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John, and consider how His statements are relevant to you today.

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Mission Impossible

Do you have doubts about Jesus? Do you find it all hard to wrap your head around? I can imagine. You are not the only one.

Do you know the Mission Impossible films? I love watching these kind of adventure movies with my sons. People get an impossible job to do. By the end of the movie, I still have no idea how they made it happen. All the special effects and turns of events. Truly fiction. No way this could happen in real life.

Thomas, one of Jesus followers, hears from other disciples that Jesus is alive. They share in all kinds of ways with him, that they saw Jesus. In real life. Not fiction. But Thomas just couldn’t believe this possibility. He says: “Only if I see Jesus myself. Touch his wounds. Only then I will believe.”

I can totally relate to his reaction. What happened to Jesus is so far out of our perspective, that it cannot be real. Mission Impossible!

What I admire about Thomas is that, although he did not believe, he came back to be with the other disciples. He wanted to support them, maybe convince them that they were crazy and wrong, or he was curious. 

Then Jesus appears. Unexpected. Through closed and locked doors. And Jesus approaches Thomas in his personal way: see, touch and believe in me. 

Thomas is overwhelmed and can only say: “My master. My God.” Jesus showed up in a personal way and Thomas believed.

Do you have doubts about Jesus? Do you find it all hard to wrap your head around? I can imagine. You are not the only one. Even one of his closest friends doubted.  John wrote down all the stories to help you. He wrote the Life of Jesus to show you who Jesus really is. Reading the stories can convince you. But even if that is not enough: hang around with people who believe, like Thomas did. Ask Jesus to appear to you. Jesus really wants to reveal himself to you. In our mind Jesus did a Mission Impossible, but with Jesus all things are possible.

Do you know all the seven I AM statements?

In this video serie examine seven staggering statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John, and consider how His statements are relevant to you today.

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